The Bookworm says... Yes! Tell Us Something True by Dana Reinhardt is a cute new YA coming of age novel. Penny breaks up with River, but it's more like she just took his soul and crushed into tiny pieces and scattered them around the country. He hopelessly tries to get back with her, but it is to no avail. In his despair he finds himself at a support group for troubled teens, A Second Chance. River fakes his way through the meetings, trying to blend in with Los Angeles's most corrupted teens. By attending these meetings on Saturday nights, River learns more than he could've hoped for about himself, Penny, love, addiction, and life in general.
Tell Us Something True was definitely an enjoyable book to read! It's sweet, romantic, comical, and sad, all wrapped into around 200 pages. There were "aweee!" moments, "haha!" moments, and some "oh noooo :(" moments as well. Though at some points a tad slow, I would say that the novel developed very well to reach an enthralling climax at the end. This book isn't the book to read if you are looking for something to blow you away, but it's good if you just want something quick that you know you will enjoy- the ending WILL take you by surprise, I promise.
"Don't let perfect be the enemy of good."
DISCLAIMER: review is based on an uncorrected proof. Tentative release date is June 14, 2016.