Notorious RBG (Young Readers' Edition)

Apr 18, 2018

The Bookworm says... Yes! Notorious RBG (Young Readers' Edition) by Iron Carmon and Shana Knizhnik is the "Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg" intended for a young audience. The biography goes in depth, from Ginsburg's childhood, to law school, to her experience as a lawyer, all the way to her current position on the Supreme Court of the United States. Not only do the authors outline RBG's life and accomplishments with superb detail, they also include explanations of relevant victories in the women's rights movement throughout Ruth's life. There are cartoons, photographs, timelines, and other graphics scattered throughout the text in order to provide a more comprehensive account of an impressive law career for young readers. Another bonus feature that makes this edition much more conducive to a younger reader is the "Legal Terms in Plain English" glossary included at the end of the book. It defines terms such as "brief", "precedent", "recuse", and other legal jargon that may be unfamiliar to some young adults.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, one of my personal heroes, is a trailblazer for women not only in law, but in all professional and nonprofessional fields. She is inspirational, fierce, and one of the most badass women in the world. What other eighty five year old does twenty five pushups a day? Especially while serving on the SCOTUS?

I am thankful that her story has been made accessible to younger readers, especially young women. It is important for young women and girls to see women in positions of authority in order to understand that they too can rise to a position of that level. When we see people like us succeeding, we allow ourselves to believe that we can succeed. I hope that some young girl reads this book and realizes that she really can be whatever she wants to be, even if it involves taking on a role no other woman has taken on. After all, we have to have a female president eventually, and someone will have to be first.

"Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."