The Bookworm says... Yes! I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson is a great book! Noah and Jude are twins, and closer than seems possible. They are thirteen years old, and they're each others best friends. Three years later, at sixteen, they're hardly speaking. Something shattered their trust in each other, and it seems it will stay that way until something big changes. Until Jude meets a boy that seems as broken as her and Noah, until she meets another driving force in her life, and until both of them realize that they each only have half of the story, they will stay broken.
This book is intricately woven, in that at the end of the novel, everything was connected. It also points out the importance of loving all of your family while you can.
"Moments pass, lots and lots of them, with us holding on, it feels like for dear life, or maybe holding on to dear life."