The Bookworm says... Yes. The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida leaves me speechless every time I read it. Naoki Higashida was thirteen when he wrote this book, and he was also autistic. He still is. He learned how to communicate using an alphabet grid that included the entire Japanese hiragana (the most basic alphabet), and the characters for "yes", "no", and "finished". Through this grid, Naoki was able to answer the questions about autism that we have all been asking. Translated into English, Naoki Higashida provides the answers to questions about autism, such as "Why do you jump?", that we have so desperately needed.
This book helped me understand so many things about my autistic brother that I had been completely clueless to before. If you know any autistic child or adult, please read this book. It helps you understand them on a new level.
"True compassion is about not bruising the other person's self-respect."