The bookworm says..........YES! The Callahan Cousins: Keeping it Cool by Elizabeth Doyle Carey was a great book. Cousins forever Kate, Phoebe, Neeve, and Hillary are enjoying their usual summer stay with their grandmother, Gee, on Gull Island. When Gee needs their help getting donations for the annual clinic benefit they quickly agree. But when they find out their enemy, Sloan Bicket, will also be gathering donations, it turns into a competition. Kate, the shy, relaxed, "old lady", and the cook of the cousins decides to completely change her image and become "the cool girl" on the island. But this doesn't come easily. The four cousins struggle through friendship troubles, fights with the "cool girl", ear piercing, midnight swims, faux tanning, hair dyeing, and eyebrow picking all just to become "cool". But what is "cool"? This book teaches young girls every where just to be yourself and she shows the world what "cool" really is.