The Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet

Jan 1, 2012

The bookworm says.........Maybe. The Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet by Erin Dionne was a good book, but not the best. When Hamlet Kennedy finds out that her sister Desdemona or Dezzie for short, was going to be in her 8th grade class she almost died. Her sister is a 7 year old genius who needs more creative studies on her record before she can get into college. Hamlets parents work for renaissance fairs and when her social studies and English teachers announce they will be studying Shakespeare, and that Hamlets parents will be coming in to help, Hamlet takes that as a threat for social death. Hamlet deals with being the third wheel, being framed for something, discovering a gift she DOESN'T want, and being left in the dark while her sister shines. This book was a maybe because there were some parts where the Shakespeare language was used withought being explained so I had no idea what some of the words meant. This book is good for any girl that doesn't mind stopping her reading to look up some words on

1 comment:

  1. I think your post is great it explains that people may or may not like it !! Keep up the good work bookworm!!
