The bookworm says.......YES! I,Q The White House by Roland Smith, is book 2 of a two book series, was amazing! Two normal children, Quest(Q) and Angela's rock star parents Blaze and Roger, get married, go on tour, and argue with their micro-manager, Buddy, A LOT! While all this is happening their children are dealing with, well, the fate of the U.S. They need to stop the Mossad terrorists ghost cell from bombing, destroying, or at the very least, harming, the U.S.. The two kids, along with a little help from the secret service, and the on/off roadie, Boone, attempt to take over the ghost cell, figure out who's behind it, and find out if Angela's mother is dead, alive, or posing as a Mossad agent! All the while minding their manners at the White House! This book is good for anyone who likes a good thriller, mystery, or is interested in the U.S history!