Love and Other Perishable Items

May 23, 2014

The Bookworm says... Maybe. Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo was not a bad book, it just wasn't outstanding! Amelia is 14 years and 9 months old, and working her first job at a supermarket. Leave it to Amelia to fall in love with her co-workers. That in itself is an issue, but this particular co-worker happens to be a 22 year old uni student named Chris. Amelia tries to keep her cool around Chris, and succeeds. They become close friends, but nothing more. Until one night at another co-workers birthday. They are both drunk, and Chris kissed Amelia. They both leave the party with very different expectations of where their relationship will go. This book starts out in Amelia's point of view, then transfers into Chris's point of view through his journal entries. 
William C. Morris Debut Award Finalist
"Love is awkward. Amelia should know."