The Bookworm says... Maybe. In My Father's House by Ann Rinaldi is not a bad book, by any means. The first battle of the civil war was fought on the Mason-McLean family's front lawn in Manassas, Virginia. The surrender was signed in their parlor in their home at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. The five year period in between the two events follows the stories of sisters Maria and Oscie as their country splits in two.
In My Father's House was not bad. I, in general, dislike historical fiction. Which is why I didn't enjoy this book. The symbolism in the novel was amazing; it's perfectly clear to me that the war is used as a symbol of the relationship between two characters, but some that have read this may seem clueless as to what I mean. Everyone interprets it differently.
"I'm no longer a military man, Captain. Only a father. And believe me, with two pretty daughters on my hands and an army camped on my doorstep, it's easier being a major in the militia."